What does AITA mean?

It’s short for “Am I the Asshole?”.

What’s the format of the podcast?

We usually riff as long as 30 minutes at the top. Kind of a lot but… WE GOT THINGS TO SAY. We include skip times, so no need to listen if you hate banter. We then read 2-3 posts from the subreddit. After each post, we read listener and reddit comments. If you want your comments featured, comment on our FB group. After, we try our best to break down the situation, tell related stories and jokes, and have a good time.

I want to submit. I have a situation. I have something to say.

There’s a form on our site where you can submit. You can also email us at AmITheAhole@gmail.com. Also please join the FB group and comment on situations. We no longer posting directly to the fb group. You must submit anonymously above or email.

What do all these acronyms mean?

On the subreddit, a person, OP (original poster), will describe a situation where they are curious if #AITA?

After, commenters respond to OP (original poster) with the following acronyms:

YTA - You’re the asshole (and the other person is not)

NTA - Not the asshole (and other person is)

NAH - No assholes here

ESH - Everyone sucks here (all people are assholes)

Who came up with the ‘subreddit’?

The subreddit and related terminology was spawned by u/flignir looking to settle a score in his office related to air-conditioning (Mashable). According to the Daily Dot piece, he felt “that since his female co-workers had the option of putting on additional clothing, they should cede control of the thermostat to the overheated men.” In a meta post linking to news coverage about AITA, u/flignir said “Someone… said something to the effect of ‘You're right, I guess.’ And I became the first non-asshole on the sub.” It appears the original post is deleted. Guess they couldn’t take the heat.

Who coined the phrase, “Am I the Asshole?”

The earliest use we could find online was in 2003. A guy named Ian Glazer wrote a blog post regarding his thoughts on Americans having too many passports, and therefore being too prevalent all around the world. He said, “Frankly, the less fat-ass, ignorant, white-sock wearing, TGI Friday’s eatin’, assmonkies, I have to deal with while I am abroad, the better. Am I the asshole here?“ (We’re going NAH on this one.)

Are you formally or officially associated with Reddit or the Subreddit?

Nope, we’re just casual users.

I have more questions.

Feel free to submit any questions on the form for submissions. If you’re curious about the subreddit, check out the rules here.